Back-to-back profitable halves in a return to stabilisation



A$895M FY22


Statutory EBIT

A$1.5M FY22


Statutory NPAT

A$(21.4)M FY22


Net Cash1

A$51.3M FY222

29 cents per share     

Adjusted EPS3

(80) cents per share FY22


Underlying EBIT1

A$7.0M FY22


Underlying NPAT4

A$0.8M FY22



21% FY22

  1. Cash net of interest-bearing borrowings, other financial liabilities and lease liabilities.
  2. FY22 Net Cash position restated to remove impact of $7.8M cash collateralised financial guarantees.
  3. Earnings adjustment for the revaluation gain of Upside Participation Rights (UPRs) on issue. Unadjusted basic earnings per share is 36 CPS.
  4. Non-IFRS measure. A reconciliation is disclosed in the Appendix of the results presentation. The prior year was restated to align with current year classification.
  5. Gearing is total borrowings (excluding lease liabilities) over equity. 

Strong FY23 outcomes

Strong operating performance exhibited across our underlying business units


Delivering sustainable earnings through incremental growth in revenue and profitability

Driving shareholder value through sound capital management and an improved balance sheet


Statement from DRA Global CEO and MD



“I am very pleased to be reporting on a strong FY23 operational and financial performance for the Group. Our dedicated team has successfully delivered a business turnaround that has now generated three consecutive halves of stable earnings performance and cash generation resulting in a strengthened balance sheet.”

“We are committed to fostering a culture of continuous safety improvement, focused on active leadership participation and ongoing awareness programs to help reduce risk at the frontline. While this approach has resulted in a 39% improvement in TRIFR this year, we are reminded of the importance of the constant focus on safety.”

“We have recorded exceptional results across our core EMEA and Minopex businesses, and strong growth across our North and South American business units as they continue to deliver a material contribution to the Group. With legacy issues successfully resolved in the APAC business, we are delighted to report a positive EBIT for the first time in two years and expect continued operating stability, with a focus on revenue growth going forward.”

“The turnaround in financial performance and strength of our business units has facilitated the progression of a capital management review to establish the optimal capital return mechanism to shareholders.”

“I must thank our teams across the globe for their effort to deliver these solid results. I am confident that with this stable operating and financial foundation, combined with an existing $885 million in committed pipeline, we are well placed to build upon the positive outcomes delivered for all of our stakeholders.” - Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director, James Smith



Results presentation


A presentation for our shareholders hosted by James Smith, Chief Executive Officer, and Michael Sucher, Chief Financial Officer. 


Download the results presentation (PDF) 


Michael Vaughan


Andrew Prior